• Blogger Recognition Award!

    Blogger Recognition Award

    Nearly 5 months into blogging and I am honored and humbled to receive this award.  A huge thank you to Yeshira Sewdayal over at Brown Girl Journal for nominating Miller In The City for the Blogger Recognition Award. Brown Girl Journal is a travel and food blog, showcasing Yeshira’s passion for travel and the good food that goes with it.

    What is the Blogger Recognition Award?

    This award is passed on by bloggers to fellow bloggers, who appreciate their hard work and effort they invest in each and every post. It is is also a great way to connect with other bloggers and read their blogs.

    How I started my Blog:

    I always wanted to start my own blog but starting it prior to this year was just not possible. Life got in the way and there was simply no time. Not that life is any easier now but my kids are slightly bigger and they now afford me the time to write. So in May 2017, I wrote my first post. My blog posts features topics ranging from parenting to lifestyle – topics that matter to me. It is a platform where I can put my thoughts and ramblings in writing and to share it with readers and thus allowing them into my little space.

    Advice to new bloggers:

    • Blogging is flippen hard work and you will not see the results immediately so be patient. Continue to write about things that matter to you and you will eventually reap the rewards.
    • To get views to your posts; connect with other bloggers via social media, link your posts to link parties created by other bloggers and comment on other blogging sites.

    Here are the rules

    • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
    • Write a post to show your award
    • Give a brief story of how your blog started
    • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
    • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to
    • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

    My nomination for the blogger recognition award

    1. Melissa Javan
    2. Puveshree Naidoo
    3. Sara Essop
    4. Celeste Booysen
    5. Tracy Dawson
    6. Catherine Matthews
    7. Em Jane
    8. Thalia and John
    9. Chevone Petersen
    10. Zoe
    11. Vicky
    12. Simone
    13. Megan Kelly Botha
    14. Ava Tutsi
    15. Tracey Grammer-Porter


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