• Good night, sleep tight

    good night sleep kids

    Saying good night, sleep tight kids happen at 19h30 at night in my house.

    Our kids retreat to their rooms at 18h00 and are in bed by 19h30 Sunday to Thursday. Yes this is not a typo and you are reading the times correctly.

    Fridays and Saturdays are an exception then they can stay up late.

    Please don’t judge, this rule works for us.  So, each to their own.

    Implemented three years ago, this rule is working well.  They display discipline when it comes to their bed time routine.  Touch wood, no tantrums has been displayed regarding this issue as yet.

    Their bedtime routine

    We have come up with “quiet time” which starts at 18h00.  During this time they can read or write but must be in their own rooms.

    At 19h30 they are tucked in and saying their prayers, followed by the usual saying good night, sleep tight and sweet dreams.

    This is something that I am very strict on during the week.  And I will not budge or divert from this time.

    Believe me by 19h45 both of them are fast asleep. It just shows you how tired they are.

    Why they go to bed early

    Let me explain why they go to bed early. Ou girls have a very early start to the day. They wake up at 05h30 during a school week and we leave home for the latest 06h30 to do the school run.

    Our children are past that stage where they take afternoon naps.  They have a full 13 hour day since the time they wake up in the morning.  During this time they need to focus at school, come home to do their homework and have play and family time.  Without napping in the afternoon, this is a real long day without any rest.

    Children need at least 10 – 12 hours of sleep during the night.

    Sleep is extremely important for growth and development. During sleep the body releases growth hormones which helps them grow.

    Getting enough sleep is vital for their health as it boosts their immune systems.

    They need to have optimal concentration at school and not getting enough sleep at night will hinder this.

    Enough sleep gives them energy to participate in sporting activities and will prevent unnecessary injuries.

    Not getting enough sleep leads to moodiness and behavioural problems.  Adequate sleep helps manage these emotions.

    This also leaves quality time for my husband and I to connect and catch up on what happened during the day and have a meaningful adult conversation.

    Remember as mentioned before, this routine works well for our family.  We believe that quality sleep = happy kids = healthy kids. Whatever your kids’ sleep routine is, I hope it works well for you.  Sleep tight and sweet dreams.


    1. August 16, 2017 / 11:15 pm

      In our home our kids have an early bed time too. Our baby is in bed by 6h30/7 (sometimes even at 6pm if she napped badly). And our 3 year old by 7h00 – 07h30 (sometimes earlier if she had a busy day with no nap). I love early bed times because 1) they get good sleep and 2) we get a break in the evening to relax without the kids. It also works for us, its definitely not for everyone. but it works well for us.

      • Noleen Miller
        August 17, 2017 / 7:39 am

        Glad to know that others are doing the same. This is the best thing we could’ve done for them and works well for us. It has made a huge difference in their concentration levels at school as well. Although we do make exceptions over weekends – 19h30 bedtime during the week is not negotiable.

    2. August 23, 2017 / 10:01 am

      I aim to get my 4 year old to bed by 7pm and with her starting school soon I plan to continue with this. They do need their sleep! #fortheloveofBLOG

      • Noleen Miller
        August 23, 2017 / 6:53 pm

        It is the best thing we could’ve done for our kids. They are more focused, not grumpy and we can see the effect on their growth. Amazing what sleep can do.#fortheloveofBLOG

    3. August 24, 2017 / 10:11 pm

      My little girl is 20 months and goes to bed at 6.30. This worked perfectly for us and she is asleep pretty much soon after. having a proper bedtime is the most important thing for us and it has really paid off with her getting a good nights sleep. I think your routine sounds great! #FOrtheloveofBLOG

      • Noleen Miller
        August 25, 2017 / 8:00 am

        I’m sure you’ve noticed a difference in your 20 month old daughter as well. Sleep at that age is so vital for growth and development. As a toddler they need to average at least 11 hours of sleep per day that is minimum. That includes if she is still napping throughout the day. You doing a great job as a mom! #fortheloveofBLOG

    4. August 28, 2017 / 1:22 am

      we’re totally the same – ours go to bed by 7.30/7.45pm every night. Having the evening is a godsend #fortheloveofBLOG thanks for linking up xx

    5. January 16, 2018 / 10:49 am

      This sounds great! My 8 month old just won’t sleep in the evenings at the moment, so she’s napping lots during the day! #TwinklyTuesday

      • Noleen Miller
        January 17, 2018 / 10:10 am

        A suggestion would be to try and cut down on her napping during the day and see that her tummy is full before she heads off to bed. Sometimes they are hungry in the middle of the night and therefore wake up more often. She is only just 8 months and not all babies sleep through the night. All the best.#TwinklyTuesday

    6. January 17, 2018 / 10:11 pm

      It is so important for a child to get a good night sleep. Always find limited amount of distractions and routine work really well for my boys X #twinklytuesda

      • Noleen Miller
        January 18, 2018 / 2:55 pm

        So true and you can see if they didn’t get enough sleep – they are so grumpy.#TwinklyTuesday

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