GWK launches old macdonald has a farm

    GWK are pioneers in the agricultural sector. Their main purpose is to improve lives. This mission and vision definitely has a ripple effect.

    Firstly they start off by improving the lives of their personnel, who can grow in an innovative company and be part of something much bigger. Furthermore they improve the lives of farmers by supporting them in feeding the world; providing everything from inputs on the farm to the development of international markets. In doing so they also improve the lives of the consumers by connecting them with wholesome goodness from the farm.

    Four years ago, GWK made history by being the first agricultural business to launch a TV advertisement. As a result they scooped up one Loerie and three Pendoring awards.

    In 2015 GWK shifted the public’s focus to the South African agriculture sector and giving a heartfelt tribute to farmers and the amazing work they do to provide food to the nation. They did this with an animated advertisement, This Man Is Building A Rocket, which told the story of Frank, the farmer, his son, Frikkie, and their dog, Flip.

    The purpose was to specifically spread a positive story in order to change the mindset of how people view the agricultural sector. Not only an innovative but also an inspiring story that changed the narrative of who farmers really are. Illustrating that they are more than just the khaki clothing they wear. But that they are business people, rocket builders, engineers, veterinarians, biologists, dreamers, people who motivate and inspire.

    Undoubtedly the message was clear: Farmers are building rockets, because without them, the rest of the world (like scientists) won’t have the food to feed their minds to build rockets or do the work needed to build a better future.

    GWK Launches Old MacDonald Has A Farm

    Now, GWK is proud to release the follow-up animated film, Old MacDonald Has A Farm. This eye-catching and inspirational advert promises to leave an even bigger impression on South African viewers.

    As with the previous television advert; GWK launches Old MacDonald Has A Farm in partnership with the agency, MullenLowe and animators from Bewilder.TV.  Along with the support of John Deere Financial and Valley Irrigation, to create this heartfelt, creative, animated advertisement as a tribute to every person working in agriculture.

    This animation film introduces the world to Frank’s father who is Old MacDonald. Old MacDonald Has A Farm gives insight to where Frank’s passion for farming was born. With an overview of how agriculture has changed over time, how technology has changed the world of food supply, how knowledge is exchanged between generations and how GWK supports them every step of the way.

    Neil de Klerk, executive head of GWK Group marketing and communications, compares the approach to the new film to farmers improving their yields.

    “How do you improve something that is already great?” he says about the follow-up advertisement. “That is what farmers are faced with daily. Also, both advertisements were produced by local talent, which is something we can be very proud of.”

    De Klerk further says,

    “Being awarded for the first advertisement was an honour for GWK and its partners in the project. But the reaction to the advertisement from people from all walks of life was really special and dear to us. We hope the new advertisement will also speak to people’s hearts.”

    GWK launched Old MacDonald Has A Farm on their social media platforms on Friday, 27 September 2019 during the media event.

    The first TV screening of Old MacDonald Has A Farm will take place during the first episode of the new programme GWK is part of called, Ons Boere, Ons Inspirasie. Broadcasted on kykNET starting on 3 October 2019.

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