As I sit in my warm bed, sipping on my coffee while the rain drops fall on my bedroom window; so many thoughts go through my mind. Recently someone posted that we are all equal in support of the racism protests that is currently happening in the USA. Are we really? I think not; so can people just stop saying we all equal.
Created equally by those swimmers called sperm – whether it was through conception or artificial insemination. And yes we all bleed red – but that is about it. That is where the equality ends.
Seconds after birth, we lose our equality. We are classified by race, ethnicity and class. Our differences are defined by the following: the way we look, our gender, our abilities, strengths, weaknesses, our religion, social conditions, privileges and education. Because of these inequalities, we endure different treatment.
If there are still people who believe that we are all equal, then you are definitely living on a different planet. Being discriminated against and disrespected because of your inequalities has been an ugly enemy that has ripped through society for hundreds of years. Personally this definitely strikes a nerve as having endured discrimination for decades based on my own inequalities; it is something that never really leaves you once you have experienced it. This division is real and even after many years; closing the gap is a continuous struggle.
So stop saying that we are equal and that we are in the same boat fighting racism and discrimination. Because we simply not. Your boat might be a yacht sailing on calm seas with a radar system to navigate you away from the storm. Whilst someone else is on a dinghy approaching the storm head on and experiencing rough seas every day.
Because of our inequalities; we can no longer sit in silence and be comfortable with prejudice. It is something that must shake you to the core and make you feel uncomfortable. We need to educate our kids, strive for better, continue to speak out about this; not just today and tomorrow but for years to come. We have to eradicate this evil so that future generations does not have to be victims of inhumane and brutal behavior.
No, we’re not equal, are we? Well said
I know from working as a registered child minder that when Ofsted ask if you treat all children the same, they expect ad answer along the lines of I treat all children as individuals because that is what they are#dreamteam@_karendenniskar
Popping back #globalblogging,@_karendennis
Good point. #Dreamteam
And again fro #GlobalBlogging
It is essential that we speak out and combat inequality wherever we spot it, and teach our children to respect and celebrate difference. Thanks for linking up with #dreamteamlinky
Definitely well said. I think it’s quite a hard concept to get your head around as a general thought, without going deeper into inequality and wanting to understand it. There are so so so many differences that affect how we are treated. Some are blinding obvious and need to be addressed as a matter of urgency, some are less obvious, but not so to the ones who feel it the most. We are not equal, but we should feel excited about our differences, not not ashamed, fearful or threatened by them. Great post. Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeamLinky
Claims of equality fail to recognise the continued disparity and unfairness in our society and its institutions. We are all created equal but we are NOT treated equally. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging