• Attitude Gratitude: September Journal

    Attitude gratitude September journal

    Oh hello lovelies. I know I’m a bit late at posting my September Gratitude Journal but the last few days of the month was a bit crazy. Flu and bronchitis has hit my household and with the sneezing season at its peak; it made the symptoms worse.

    But with everyone slowly getting back to being healthy and their normal selves; it gave me a chance to reflect on the month that was. September in particular was a good month but we also received some bad news for our country’s economy.  At the start of September it was announced that our country was entering a technical recession. The first economic recession since 2009.

    So with the Rand dropping to an all-time low, inflation on the rise, the petrol price constantly increasing which has a ripple effect on all other prices – how do we still stay positive? Or do we continuously stay angry, complain and be sceptical about what is happening.

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    Attitude of Gratitude: June Journal

    attitude gratitude june journal

    We are half way through the year with so much that transpired. June, being my birthday month had its highs and oh so many lows. This month started off with a bang with so many joys. But then towards the middle it was overshadowed with so many dark clouds (literally and figuratively). However as we embrace the storms and see no end in sight; the sun comes out and brings a new understanding.

    And in that moment of so much darkness, I was embraced with so much gratitude and appreciation for life itself.

    Here is my June gratitude list. View Post

    Attitude of Gratitude: March Journal

    Attitude Gratitude March Journal

    We are fast approaching the end of March. It’s also the end of the first school term and almost Easter.

    Huh! How is this possible? Didn’t we just celebrate Christmas the other day.  Time really waits on no one.

    I’ve decided to do a monthly segment on what I am grateful for. Yes I know it sounds kind of cheesy.  But you see cultivating an attitude of gratitude is so important.


    We often only reflect on what we are grateful for around celebratory days like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving.  Life is not always easy and as humans when caught up in the negativity of what life throws at us, we forget that we have so much to be thankful for.

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