The biggest takeway about the lockdown restrictions has definitely been the quality family time.  As a family we love playing board games and one such game is Pictionary.  Recently we sparked more family fun by discovering a new way of playing the game with Pictionary Air. With the classic version you have to draw quick sketches on a sheet of paper or whiteboard and then guess what it is. No more paper wasting or ink drying as Mattel has taken this classic quick draw game to the next level. The high tech version of Pictionary Air allows you to literally draw in the air with a light pen – which is so much fun. View Post

    A Weekend in the Slanghoek Valley

    Spending time as a family is very important and we do not realise that we are so pressed for time during the week with all that is going.  I want my children to experience the outdoors and experience the beauty of what our country offers. We live in such a beautiful province and we are blessed with beautiful beaches, mountains, game resorts, wine farms and country side so why not explore it.

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