• Attitude Gratitude – October Journal

    Hey peeps! Can’t believe it’s actually 1 November. How quick has this year gone by? It’s crazy to think that we literally only have 2 months left of 2018.

    October has been a bit of a laid back month for me. I can’t quite put my finger on it because it had the same busy routine as all the other months, perhaps I just took things in my stride. Sometimes it’s good just to slow down and let all the craziness just unfold around you.  Also we have been experiencing adverse weather patterns with a heatwave that swept through the Western Cape last week; so that could also have been a contributing factor to my unperturbed attitude.

    Here is a summary of what I was grateful for during October:

    Medical Aid

    Medical aid in South Africa is very costly and many don’t have this benefit. Driving past the day hospital every day and witnessing how people queue in a line at 06h00 in the morning for healthcare makes me appreciative for what I have. I am extremely grateful that my family and I have the benefits of medical aid which allows us immediate access to health care  More so that I work for an organisation who provides this benefit to its employees at an affordable cost.


    I recently attended a Vision Board Workshop as part of a blogger collaboration with Sonja McKaiser from The Creative Space with Sonja. I am forever grateful for this opportunity and that I was selected to participate in this workshop. Attending the vision board workshop gave me a new perspective on my future goals. During this process I recognised my dreams, hopes and fears and the things that are holding me back.

    Kind Gestures

    This month there were two incidents that made my heart happy. The first incident was when my daughters and I went shopping and we were at the fruit and veg section. A customer by accident let the whole cart of apples fall over. Instead of walking past, my daughters assisted by picking up all the apples out of their own free will.

    The second incident was when a colleague unexpectedly treated me to lunch. Sometimes people surprise you when you least expect it. I  am grateful for the generosity and great working relationship.

    Shared Knowledge and Skills

    We had a bit of car trouble and thank goodness I have a husband who is hands on. Even more so that I have a dad who is a retired motor mechanic. Although my dad is getting old and is doing things at a slower pace; I am thankful that he can still share his knowledge and skills with my husband. They managed to fix the problem.


    If you don’t know by now, I gave up alcohol for a month. Not that I’m a huge alcohol drinker and get completely sloshed – that happened in my 20’s. But I do like socialise with a glass or two – ok make it five. Different countries have different campaigns associated to this challenge. In the UK the campaign is in support of cancer and in South Africa it is to raise awareness about alcohol abuse. My reasons for abstaining from alcohol was in support of both cancer and alcohol abuse.

    Let me just say that my entire October was filled with social events where great food and of course alcohol was served. So it was a bit of a challenge. Nevertheless, I resisted the temptation and am grateful that I had the strength to persevere and follow through with this challenge.

    Trusted Confidant

    I am grateful that someone trust me enough to share their personal problems with me. Sometimes all they need is someone to listen, empathize and encourage them without giving advice. I am thankful and honored that this person feels safe sharing their personal struggles with me and that I can give the assurance that what is shared will stay confidential.

    Time with family

    Time with family is always special for me. It is something that no amount of money can ever buy. I am grateful for the laughter, the conversations and memories made.

    I hope you all have a fantastic November!

    Attitude Gratitude – August Journal

    Attitude Gratitude August Journal

    Yikes we at the end of August and will be welcoming the ninth month of the year tomorrow. I’m quite looking forward to September and what it holds in store for me. Although Winter is my favorite month, probably because I was born in June and is classified as a Winter baby. But the thing is I’ve grown tired of Winter now. I’m ready to welcome Spring and and have slightly warmer days. To wear lighter clothing, flip flops and having socials in the backyard.

    In saying that I’m eternally grateful for what Winter brought. With it came much needed rain which filled up our dams to over 60%.

    Here is a summary of what I was grateful for in August. View Post

    Attitude Gratitude: July Journal

    Attitude Gratitude July Journal

    Hello beautiful people. I hope that you all have been well. There is a slight chill in the air here in Cape Town but if you find yourself in the Northern Hemisphere, I’m sure you are enjoying the sunshine.

    July has been great! In fact it was fantastic, with half the month spent being on vacation and the other half back at work. So that in itself was a bonus.

    As I cast my mind back to the past 31 days, by looking at my entries, keeping a gratitude journal has become easier from when I started in March.

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    Attitude of Gratitude: May Journal

    Attitude Gratitude May Journal

    Hello there. I don’t know about you but time is really whizzing by. Tomorrow we will enter June and be half way through the year.  It’s insane – I know.

    May has been a challenging month for me on the work front. But hey, I got through it and let me tell you when life gives you lemons, get the vodka or tequila out.  Challenges and obstacles gives you an opportunity to take stock of your life and to get a new perspective on things.

    Reflecting back on the past four weeks, so much has happened. Looking back at the month that was, collating what happened, all I can say is;  I need to count my blessings.  I can tell you now not every day is a good day but there is something to be grateful for in every day.

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    Attitude of Gratitude: April Journal

    Attitude Gratitude April Journal

    We’ve come to the end of yet another month.  April was another busy month; scrambling to meet deadlines and to get everything done. In saying that, it was an amazing month filled with lots of holidays which of course constitutes to spending time with family and friends.

    Before I get started, let’s just recap why I’ve started this series. I started my first gratitude journal in March. Journaling what I’m grateful for gives me a new perspective on what is important in my life and the things I appreciate and am thankful for.

    Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.  It turns what we have into enough, and more.  It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion to clarity.  It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.  Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. – Melody Beattie

    It is time for me to take a moment to step back and reflect on the month that was and the things that I am grateful for. View Post