• Delicious Spiced Pumpkin Cake

    delicious spiced pumpkin cake

    How do you feel about vegetables in your cake?  I know some people are skeptical to use vegetables or fruit in cake recipes but belief me it can be so yummy. I once ordered a red velvet cake from a coffee shop and the baker used beetroot as the main ingredient. It was absolutely divine. The other is of course my ultimate carrot cake recipe. Those who have eaten it will always come back for another slice or three.  My carrot cake recipe has never been shared on my blog and I intend keeping it that way – it is my little secret. View Post

    Lemon Coconut and Almond Cake [Low Carb]

    lemon coconut almond cake

    Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. To me carbs symbolises comfort food.  But sometimes we tend to eat too much processed foods and refined carbs which is not good for our health in the long run. So since April I have significantly reduced my carb intake and are trying to incorporate healthier carbohydrates into my diet.  But finding healthy alternatives to substitute sweet treats is not always that easy. The options are very limited. Therefore I decided to experiment with a few low carb ingredients when baking. Don’t worry you will still find recipes containing wheat flour on my blog but there will be a few that have alternative flour options too.  View Post