• The trials and triumphs of my keto journey

    the trials and triumphs of my keto journey

    Get the inside scoop of this low-carb, high-fat diet as I share the trials and triumphs of my keto journey. Note this a long read but I promise to be brutally honest.

    In the past it was easy to manage my weight.  Being tall, I generally weigh more and my physique hides the fact that I am actually overweight. If I gained a few kilograms I would go on a quick weight loss programme to shed the excess weight. Yet it isn’t all that easy once you are in your 40’s and hormones and perimenopause becomes a contributing factor.  So the older I got, I started embracing my love handles, curves and have become comfortable with the way I look as long as my clothes still fit me. View Post

    Lemon Coconut and Almond Cake [Low Carb]

    lemon coconut almond cake

    Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. To me carbs symbolises comfort food.  But sometimes we tend to eat too much processed foods and refined carbs which is not good for our health in the long run. So since April I have significantly reduced my carb intake and are trying to incorporate healthier carbohydrates into my diet.  But finding healthy alternatives to substitute sweet treats is not always that easy. The options are very limited. Therefore I decided to experiment with a few low carb ingredients when baking. Don’t worry you will still find recipes containing wheat flour on my blog but there will be a few that have alternative flour options too.  View Post

    POTS – The Mysterious Disorder

    POTS Mysterious Disorder

    Before hitting the publish button, I double-checked with Lea if she was certain about sharing her story.  Getting consent from my family is imperative especially when I delve into personal issues. Her main goal is to create awareness in order to help others who might suffer too.  Lea ’s journey with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) started on 22 May. Not known by many, POTS is a mysterious disorder that is often misdiagnosed for anxiety or panic attacks. View Post

    When that head lice note comes home from school

    school lice note

    Just when you think things are running smoothly, then – BAM – you receive that head lice note from school. Which reads like this “please note that we have a suspected lice outbreak at school and so we would like to suggest that you check your child’s hair and treat if necessary.”  Instead of being calm and handling the situation like an adult should; all hell breaks loose.

    Look I’m not oblivious to the fact that kids bring bugs home when they attend school.  I can handle it but what I can’t handle is the idea of lice crawling on my child’s head. Like seriously, the thought of it makes me squirm and itch. Touch wood; my kids have never had lice but I freak out and transform into a germaphobe when I receive these notes from school. View Post

    An Unexpected Occurrence: The day I lost my independence

    unexpected occurrence day lost independence

    I always pride myself as being very independent. I’ve always been like that, since I entered my adolescent years. But recently I lost that independence – even if it was just for 4 days. It happened so quickly that I’m still not pretty sure what triggered it.

    All I can say is – lower back ache or any back ache for that matter is a bitch.  There’s really no other way to describe it. And I wish it on nobody.

    A twist, a bend, bad posture or a past injury – I just don’t know.  Or even the after effects of a spinal block from both my pregnancies which happened years ago. Weird but apparently that can also be a cause.

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