• School’s Out and time for holiday – What Now!

    What to do with the kids when school’s out and time for holiday?

    school's out and time for holiday


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    Whose stress is it anyway when it comes to exams?

    Exam time – whose stress it it anyway and is the stress getting to the parents

    exam stress

    It is that time of the year again when learners are sitting for their mid-year exams. This is a very stressful time. But whose stress is it anyway when it comes to exams.

    Last year when my eldest daughter was in Grade 4 she wrote her first exam in June.  What a stressful experience it was; I suppose more so for the parents than for her or so we think.  And of course it doesn’t make it any easier when your child has this willy-nilly, “I will sit with my books in my own time” attitude. She received a study timetable from her teacher more than a month before the actual exam dates.  There was enough time for her to revise and to be well prepared for the exam. However it was a constant check up on when she was going to sit and study and what she needs to study as she did not see the seriousness in the matter.

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