• Happy Birthday, Mother Dearest

    happy birthday mother dearest

    Today is your birthday. I feel truly honoured to wish you on this very special day.

    Born under the astrological sign, Taurus of which the zodiac symbol is the bull, it clearly defines your personality.  A strong and resilient woman who continues to soldier on to overcome so many obstacles in your life. You stand firm in your believes and values and has taught this to us in word and deed.

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    Confession of a Backseat Driver: Time to take control and curb this bad habit

    confession backseat driver time take control curb bad habit

    I have a confession to make and it wasn’t easy for me to admit this. I am a backseat driver.

    Are you shocked by my revelation?  Sorry if I disappointed you but it is what it is.

    Yip, I’m that annoying passenger.

    And, let me just say, I guess I’ve earned this stereotypical name “backseat driver”.  Although I find myself mostly in the front passengers seat and not at the back; my reaction and behaviour is the same.

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    The case of becoming a one-child family for 3 days

    Case Becoming One Child Family 3 days

    Its 18h00 pm on a Thursday evening and the house is exceptionally quiet. Usually around this time the girls shower together and they sing at the top of their voices, chatter and laughter from across their rooms, teasing each other or would have the odd quarrel about silly things.

    None of that is happening tonight. And it didn’t happen last night too. This is what my house has been like for the past 2 days.

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    Understanding The Effects of Broken Promises

     Understanding effects broken promises

    Understanding the effects of broken promises can hopefully make you mindful of making and breaking promises.

    “You are just like ma, you make promises you can’t keep!”

    An emotional outburst by my daughters directed at their dad. Their disappointment was apparent.

    It all happened when their grandmother promised to buy them an ice cream after school. Something came up and they had to take a detour from the ice cream shop. Postponed to the next day and still no ice cream. Her excuse was that she either forgot or didn’t have enough money to buy the ice cream. Of course they saw this as just another empty promise.

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    Valentine’s Day Uncelebrated

    Valentines Day Uncelebrated

    Now there are many stories about the origin of how Valentine’s Day came about. Whether these stories are true, I would not know as it was not verified.  The most popular of it all, describes Valentine as a Roman priest during the Third Century. Emperor Claudius III prohibited all single young men from marriage as they would make better soldiers. Valentine went against Claudius’ orders and continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret. On discovery, Claudius sentenced Valentine to death on 14 February.

    Without verification it is believed that St Valentine was the patron saint of love.

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