• Celebrating 8 years – Happy Birthday Mika

    Celebrating 8 years Happy Birthday Mika

    Today, my sweet little sunshine you are 8 years old. I know that I say this every year – but I still can’t believe how quick time goes by and that you are growing up so fast.

    You’ve eagerly anticipated the arrival of your birthday. I know it was a long wait as your birthday falls in the last month of the year.

    On this day, we celebrate you and your life thus far. I am dedicating this special birthday post to you. At this age, this birthday message will most probably bear no significance to you. As your main focus is blowing your candles and celebrating with family and friends. But as the excitement fades, I hope that you will sit and read this post.

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    Sisterhood: The bond, differences, conflict and comparison

    sisterhood bond differences conflict comparison

    Seeing differences in your children is only natural. Having a girl and a boy; it is inevitable that there would be differences due to their gender. However sibling comparisons often occur when you have children of the same gender and it often happen between sisters.

    My mother loved to dress my sister and I the same when we were younger.  This despite the fact that she is 7 years older than me.

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    Ageing Parents

    Ageing Parents

    On the eve of my dad’s 70th Birthday, I find myself writing this blog post but feel a little perturbed.  The whole time my main focus was on his milestone celebration. Joyful and grateful that God’s grace was bestowed on my dad’s life.

    But with all this hype – I failed to take into account that my dad is ageing. Not just my dad but that I lost focus that my parents (including in-laws) are ageing.

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    Happy Eleventh Birthday Lea

    Happy Eleventh Birthday Lea

    A birthday message to my daughter on her eleventh birthday

    Today my sweet girl you are ELEVEN. How is this even possible?  I guess, I said the same thing when you turned ten.  Looking at you today, so much have changed over the past eleven years. Whenever your birthday comes along, I get a bit emotional as the memory of your birth will never leave me.

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    Dearest husband – Reasons why I love you

    Dearest husband - reasons why I love you

    To my dearest husband, Brent. Today marks 13 years of a successful marriage and I decided to dedicate this post to you.  I think this has been the easiest post I’ve written as it required no research, brainstorming and no in-depth thinking. I know that you are an extremely private person and don’t want to be put on the spot but this post comes straight from my heart.  This is not another anniversary post, which is sappy, spill my gushy feelings type of blog post.

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