• The Puberty Talk: Things I’m sharing with my daughter that my mother never told me

    mother daughter period puberty talk

    Not too long ago, I mentioned to my husband that it is time to have the puberty talk with our eldest daughter. I kind of joked with him and asked if he would like to have the honour of performing this duty.  He just raised an eyebrow and said “rather you than me”.

    The thing is I didn’t expect him to jump for joy when I made this gesture. Although there are many fathers who feel completely comfortable in having this conversation with their daughters; and I’m pretty sure that my husband would’ve done an excellent job at it by giving our daughter the basic information. But the thing is he has never in his life experienced ovulation, period pains, PMS or went through child birth. Outnumbered by females; I can’t help but feel sorry for the guy as the odds are against him. Soon he will have to deal with a house full of hormonal females. I can however say with certainty that as a father he will give our daughters all the support they need including purchasing sanitary pads or tampons. View Post

    9 Strategic tips to cope with back-to-school anxiety

    9 strategic tips cope back-to-school anxiety

    Going back to school after the summer vacation can be tough on certain kids. The transition from vacation to school is not always smooth sailing during the first or even second week of the new school term. Not all kids are super excited to start school. One of those kids is my youngest daughter, Mika. School is not her favourite place to look forward to after a fun-filled holiday break. In fact, she wish to be home-schooled as she stressed this to us repeatedly. Unlike Lea (my other daughter) who is always eager for the new school year to start; Mika is not so enthusiastic.

    For the past three years, since starting Grade 1, Mika has been experiencing back-to-school anxiety.  She would get physically ill. Her blood pressure would drop resulting in dizziness, vomiting and complaints of headaches and stomach cramps. But we always insisted on school attendance and only in severe cases would keep her home. Usually by the second week of the new school year, she has settled in and all is forgotten. View Post

    Parental Peer Pressure: The sleepover issue

    parental peer pressure sleepover issue

    From the age of six both my daughters have been receiving invitations for sleepover parties. With the kids being older, sleepover requests are still streaming in. Our stance on this is – we simply do not allow sleepovers at friends.

    Before I continue, sleepover exceptions include staying over at their grandparents and cousins, go on school camps and for the first time this year my eldest daughter went to a one-night group sleepover at school. As for the group sleepover at school; our kids attend an all girls school and the sleepover is a social event organised for a specific grade. Well supervised by female teachers, they have a programme of activities lined up for the girls and they all sleep in the school hall that is secured.

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    12 years of motherhood and loving it

    12 years motherhood loving

    My daughter, Lea is in such a happy mood this morning. Hopping, skipping and singing at the top of her voice. It’s her birthday and she has been waiting for this day to arrive with eager anticipation.  I watch her and smile.  There is so much love that is booming at the moment.  A love that is eternal and unmeasurable.

    As I watch her, an exhilarating feeling comes over me. This child made me a mother. Knowing that my husband and I made this human, and that she is half mine and his DNA. Like my kids will always say “we are the best thing that ever happened to the two of you.”

    And they are spot on, they are the best thing that ever happened to us. Knowing what we know now, life without them would be pretty dull.

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    Liar, liar, pants on fire! Why children tell lies

    liar liar pants fire children tell lies

    Let’s face it we all tell little white lies now and then. Whether it is to protect our children or not to harm someone else’s feelings – we do it.

    But what happens if the lies are constant … more like compulsive lying.

    Even worse what if it’s a child that is constantly lying about everything and anything. You would assume that children are naturally truthful. Well so you would think, turns out it is not the case.

    Today my daughter came home from school pretty devastated. She and her friends are at wits end with one particular friend’s lies.

    So when your child comes home and vents her anger and frustration about the current situation – you listen.

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