• Daughter of mine; you’re officially a teenager

    daughter officially teenager

    My sweet Lea, on Sunday you turned 13. The years have gone by in a flash. You know every year when your birthday comes along I get a bit sentimental. As my first born; your entrance into this world has been dramatic. Needless to say, mothering you for the past 12 years has been easy.  But now you have entered a new phase in your life. I think I prepared you more for this phase than mentally preparing myself.  In all honestly, I was still in denial. Until Google reminded me that you can now have full control over your own account.  That was enough affirmation for me. Daughter of mine, you are officially a teenager. View Post

    How we made it to 15 years of marriage

    15 years marriage

    Today Brent and I celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary.  Gosh 15 years of marriage has passed in a blink of an eye. It is exactly 5465 days of continuous sleepovers with the same person.  But on a serious note – we made the commitment to love, trust and choose each other every day for the rest of our lives. View Post

    The ripple effect of grief

    ripple effect of grief

    It has been eleven weeks since my father passed away. The phone calls and messages have stopped. No more flowers, cards and visits.  In fact, life has returned to normal as if nothing happened. However, my father’s death did happen which caused a ripple effect of grief.

    Life as I’ve known it before 6 April 2019 will never be the same again.  Removing one person from a family unit which has always been a supportive structure; changes the entire dynamics. Although our family structure is not falling apart; the foundation has slight cracks. Perhaps those who don’t have that kind of unit won’t understand. View Post

    My father’s life encapsulated – A Heartfelt Eulogy

    fathers life encapsulated heartfelt eulogy

    How do you completely capture 71 years of someone’s life in a Eulogy? When I think of my dad and want to encapsulate his life in one word; then “humble” comes to mind.

    On 6 April 2019, my dad passed away. His death was sudden and it caught us off guard. And I know that  death is part of life – it is guaranteed and unavoidable; yet for those left behind it is something that you remain physically and mentally unprepared for.

    Writing his eulogy was heart wrenching as I couldn’t get myself to refer to him in the past tense. And as much as it was an honour and privilege to deliver his eulogy; it was at the same time extremely difficult for me to utter those words.

    I was approached by many to share what I said at my dad’s funeral in a blog post. Apprehensive at first to write it down as this was something that was private and only shared with friends and family. But then it hit me – that my dad’s life was a gift to us. He was an amazing husband, father and grandfather and that his life story should be celebrated and shared with others.

    I am still going through the grieving process and some days are easier than others. I have my moments when I just let out. It is a process that will take time and everyone handles it differently. You will never truly understand grief until you lose someone very close to you.  However, typing this post brought a sense of calm over me.

    Herewith I’m sharing this eulogy with you in remembrance of my dad. For privacy reasons, I have omitted the personal information from this version. View Post

    Birthday wish to the most incredible husband

    Birthday wish incredible husband


    I know how you feel about celebrating your birthday. You don’t like the fuss and people gushing over you. According to you it is just another day in your life with an added digit.

    I won’t reveal your age – and you are right it is just a number but damn I have to say you are ageing well.

    But today, I want you to know that it is indeed a special day. It is not about the gifts we got you or the celebration we planned. What makes this day special is that it commemorates the beginning of your life and your existence in the world.  Your existence has a meaningful purpose in my life, our children and so many other people’s lives. View Post