• Nurturing Natural Curiosity in Children

    Nurturing Natural Curiosity Children

    The importance of nurturing your child’s natural curiosity

    Children are born curious. From a young age, they learn from this curious nature.  Sometimes parents are too cautious for safety reasons. However nurturing this natural curiosity is the best thing you can do for your child. By doing this your child will construct their own knowledge. Their little brains are switched on to learn and discover new things. Curiosity makes your child more observant and gives them confidence. It gives them the opportunity to see the world from their perspective.

    Stages of curiosity


    Babies first start to develop their curiosity at home. I’m pretty sure all babies have this natural curiousity. Curiosity develops visual and sensory stimulation. Remembering the time when my girls were babies.  When they had good control over their neck muscles they lifted their heads to turn and look at their surroundings. Bright colours and certain objects fascinated them. They discovered their hands and feet and those would be the first to go in their mouths. The first time we placed them in front of a mirror was an experience. Amazed at what was staring back at them.  Touching the mirror, they would look with big eyes and then laugh out loud.

    When they started crawling, it sparked even more curiosity. We had to child-proof almost everything for their safety. They wanted to open up cupboard doors and put their fingers in plug sockets. They crawled all over. Peeped under the beds. Climbed up on low tables and beds. Reaching and pulling at hanging objects. Obviously taking away objects that would hurt or put them in danger. We allowed them to explore and crawl all over.


    At the age of 1, when they could walk, their curiosity increased.  Some might mistake curiosity for being naughty or mischievous but it is not the same. Packing and unpacking was the norm. Silence meant something was brewing. Even if it was just for a few seconds. Getting hold of the baby powder and making a mess, rolling down all the toilet paper, smearing lotion all over them. Grabbing the dog’s tail as it wagged and wanting to eat the dog food.  Blowing bubbles sparked more curiosity. Mesmerized by the shape of the bubbles, focusing on each bubble, laughing and trying to grab and catch it.

    When they were just over the age of 1, they started discovering other children. Not yet knowing how to play with children was a strange experience.  They were curious as to what others looked like by pulling their hair and poking them in the face.  Initially we thought that they tried to fight but then discovered it was just curiosity.


    From ages 2 – 5, curiosity shifted from the home to the environment, play school and what they observed from people. At this age, they wanted to do things on their own.  When we visited a park they wanted to climb on the jungle gym and up the slide without any help. Peeping out the car window, staring in amazement at their surroundings. They started discovering crawling insects, other animals, nature and differences in gender, body shapes and private body parts.  They were very inquisitive. Every question asked started with “how”, “when” and mostly “why”.

    “Why do lizards change colour?”

    “Why are there stars in the sky?”

    “Where do babies come from?

    “Why are people shaped differently and have different skin colour?”

    “How come daddy stands when using the toilet and we sit?”

    “Why do boys have penises and girls have vaginas?”

    Yes my children asked those questions and used those words.  Somehow we never used the words “willy or fanny” to describe private body parts. We wanted them to know from a young age what it was.  Explaining this, we also made them aware that nobody should touch them inappropriately. And should it happen, they should tell us. Of course, it was followed with another question “why”.  All these questions we tried to answer as honest as possible but still bearing in mind their innocence.

    From age 6 up

    From age 6 till present they are still very curious.  Questions like why do women menstruate, why hair grow on different parts of the body and how breast develop seems to be of interest.   This is all part of the cycle of learning.

    Please never tell your children that they are asking silly questions.  There is no such thing as a silly question. And never say this  – it is just the way it is.  Give them the attention and listen to what they inquiring about. Even if you don’t know how to answer certain questions and it makes you feel uncomfortable just try and answer it in any quirky way.

    We also try and let them figure things out on their own. Don’t provide them with all the answers. Pose questions back at them to prolong the curiosity. Rather say let’s explore together and encourage them to think.

    Just today my 7 year old daughter asked me “Are there more right handed people than left handed people in the world?”

    I replied and said that’s a great question and I never thought about it. I then asked her what her thoughts were on the matter.

    She said: ” I think there are more right-handed people.”

    Asking why she said that, she justified her answer with “well in our immediate family, only Pa is left-handed and all of us are right-handed, my friends are all right-handed and in my class only one girl is left-handed.

    So I think there are more right-handed people.”

    I then told her let’s check what google says – sometimes google comes to the rescue.

    In fact there are more right-handed than left-handed people.

    I suppose as my kids enter their teenage years, their curiosity will shift to questions about sex, boys, relationships and heaven knows what else. I need to prepare myself mentally on how I’m going to answer all those questions.

    Nurturing Natural Curiosity Children

    Things you can do to help nurture your child’s curiosity

    • Don’t be too cautious, let your baby crawl and climb up and explore.
    • Take your child to the park and let them climb on the jungle gym, slide and play on other equipment. Don’t restrict them if they are not in any immediate danger.
    • Whilst in the park, explore what else is there like squirrels, ducks, different trees, pine cones etc.
    • Do a scavenger hunt by giving them a list of objects they need to collect in the park.
    • When driving in the car, point things out to them and play games like “I spy” or “spot the difference”; this not only sparks curiosity but encourages observation.
    • Deviate from your normal route and tell your child, “let’s see where this road takes us”.
    • Read to your child from a very young age and instill this love for reading. Reading sparks curiosity as they want to know what will happen next.
    • Buy the National Geographic Kids magazines for your child – this is excellent for them to read up on animals and nature.
    • Instead of your child playing with his/her normal toys, give them an empty cereal box, yoghurt containers, empty toilet roll holders to play with. Let them construct things with it by giving them glue, crayons and scissors. See how their curiosity sparks creativity.
    • Let them paint and allow them to discover new colours when they mix primary colours with another colour.
    • Take your child to the beach; let them discover different sea shells, sea weed, periwinkles.
    • Curious about space, take your child to the planetarium.
    • Don’t give them all the answers, but allow them to try and figure things out on their own.
    • Curious about science, take your child to the science centre.

    Have fun exploring and continue to nurture that curiosity!


    1. October 23, 2017 / 7:23 pm

      Some fab tips here, I completely agree. I always try and be cautious about letting my daughter figure out things for herself. One of her favourite bath toys is actually an old bottle of bubble bath – she loves putting the cap on and off, filling it an emptying it. Her actual toys go unused! Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG x

    2. October 24, 2017 / 9:22 pm

      What a fabulous post! I remember the days when my girls were little and everything was new and exciting to them. Sadly we are at an age where the eldest has discovered boys and I’m trying not to nurture curiosity #DreamTeam

      • Noleen Miller
        October 26, 2017 / 9:08 am

        Ha ha ha – yes rather don’t nurture that curiosity – you might just spark something.#DreamTeam

    3. October 25, 2017 / 4:25 pm

      It’s great to see the little ones are full of curiosity. Sometimes I know my eldest daughter knows the answer she’s just trying to make conversation so happily ask her what she thinks it is. #BlogCrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 26, 2017 / 9:11 am

        Great that you are encouraging her to think instead of providing the answers – that is how they learn. Thanks for reading my post.#Blogcrush

    4. October 26, 2017 / 12:57 am

      Great tips! I love how curious my daughter is and she loves to have conversations about everything! I agree it’s so important to let them explore the world for themselves and give them time to figure things out. It’s amazing what they can achieve when you give them a little bit of space. Thanks for sharing! #BlogCrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 26, 2017 / 9:12 am

        The best way for kids to learn is to explore and to be curious, I think it is vital for us as parents to encourage that. Thanks for reading my blog post.#Blogcrush

    5. October 27, 2017 / 7:15 am

      Curiosity is the best, it’s what makes children learn. I have always hated the saying curiosity killed the cat because it implies curiosity is bad, when it’s very natural! #BlogCrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 27, 2017 / 8:26 am

        I know – that is such a negative connotation where in fact in children it sparks learning and how they see the world.#Blogcrush

    6. October 27, 2017 / 9:05 am

      Some great tips here. Whenever I get annoyed with the ‘why?’ questions from my toddler I have to remind myself that I want him to have an inquisitive mind I dnt want him to just accept anything! #BlogCrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 27, 2017 / 10:22 am

        Thanks for reading my post. It does get too much sometimes but look at it this way – asking “why” is a sign that your child’s brain is developing and he is interested in exploring more.#BlogCrush

    7. October 27, 2017 / 11:54 am

      Love this . Great tips for nurturing their curiosity and it’s fab that you’ve explained in terms of age group/stage. Really useful post. #blogcrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 27, 2017 / 11:57 am

        Thank you for reading my post. Just shows you how amazing the brain is as an organ and how development takes place at each age group.#BlogCrush

    8. October 27, 2017 / 6:44 pm

      This is so good and full of useful info on children’s development and why encouraging curiosity is so important #blogcrush

    9. October 29, 2017 / 7:06 pm

      Lovely tips at the end. So important to keep their little minds engaged and let them ask questions… shared.

    10. October 30, 2017 / 5:31 pm

      You know what? Each and every day can be exciting, should be exciting for us all. Having the kinder ask away and giving them the patience and the time for answers, more questions, inspires and encourages learning. That is genius! #blogcrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 31, 2017 / 8:18 am

        Thanks for reading my blog post!

    11. October 30, 2017 / 11:20 pm

      Love this! I think creating an environment where children feel free to explore and ask questions encourages them to think and to want to learn. It also teaches them that their thoughts are important and valued because you are listening to them and helping them to find the answers. My daughter (6) has started asking google all kinds of things after hubby showed her how to do it a few months ago! But it’s great because it fuels her curiosity. #blogcrush

      • Noleen Miller
        October 31, 2017 / 8:19 am

        Keep on doing what you can to encourage curiosity – they learn so much by it. Thanks for reading my blog post.#blogcrush

    12. November 1, 2017 / 10:30 pm

      Excellent advice! When I teach a mindfulness class I often talk about us trying to emulate a ‘child-like curiosity’ or a ‘beginner’s mind’ – it is so important to allow children to be curious and for us to try and continue this into adulthood too! #blogcrush

    13. November 2, 2017 / 10:59 am

      I love young children’s questions!!My youngest used to wonder about the most obscure things. My favourite ever question was “What’s your favourite word to write in joined up writing,?” Unfortunately I have to admit at 17,15 and 14 wise mum is often replaced by Google to answer the elder ones questions!! #BlogCrush

    14. November 20, 2018 / 9:05 am

      Oh the ‘why’ phase! It can be annoying but I love it – my 2 year old is so inquisitive and I love taking her out to experience new things. Their brains are like sponges! #ItsOk

    15. November 20, 2018 / 10:07 am

      This is so spot on! My twins are 17 months and the phrase “into everything” is a massive understatement. They literally see everything as a challenge, how high they can climb, can they fit into that tiny hole, can they open that door/cupboard/stair gate/packet. They’re everywhere! Then my three year old asks questions constantly. I love their curiosity and how they’re going to learn from it. Some great tips at the bottom of your post. Thanks for linking up to #ItsOK

    16. November 20, 2018 / 2:11 pm

      Lovely post Noleen. With some great tips. Encouraging a child’s curiosity is one of the most important things we as parents can do for them. It’s amazing how much and how fast they grasp things at that age. Thanks for sharing this post with #itsok

    17. November 20, 2018 / 4:03 pm

      What a lovely post – it really brings home the wonder kids feel at figuring out life and the world around them. And some great suggestions too, thanks for linking with #ItsOK xx

    18. November 22, 2018 / 9:05 pm

      Really wonderful tips, Noleen. It’s so important to let that inner child stay present for as long as possible! #itsok xox

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