• Raise your son to be honourable and respectful

    raise son honourable respectful

    Remember that 80’s song by The Temptations – “Treat her like a lady”. Yip that one with the catchy beat that you can sing along to whilst doing the dishes or sitting in your car.  Ok, so perhaps you millennials won’t know the song but you can go Google it here.

    The point I’m getting at is that the lyrics of the song resonates with me as I have a chivalrous husband. Common courtesy, kindness and respect are things women crave for in today’s life.  Values and convictions are guided by an ever changing world and what society prescribes. But shaping attitudes, beliefs and values at the foundation level will ensure that it is carried throughout life. It should be both men and women’s responsibility to raise children who respect themselves and others. Most importantly shifting our focus to raising boys. Chivalry, honour and respect has to be taught from a young age.

    So you are probably thinking  – why is she writing a post about this if she doesn’t have sons.  Rightfully so, I will never know what it truly feels like to mother a boy child. However, as a woman and a mother raising two girls, it scares me that the statistics of gender based violence in our country and across the world is ever increasing. It is an epidemic that is spiralling out of control. So yes, I worry about myself but more so I worry about my daughters falling victim. I worry about the type of men that will enter their lives.

    As parents we try to protect our children as much as we can, but it is impossible to protect them 24/7. We have to release them out into the world. But the world is toxic and filled with perpetrators.  It is alarming that these perpetrators (majority men) are out there violating young children and women on a daily basis. What is even scarier is that they are often closer to home than what we might realise.

    Can we fix our society from men who have no morals, who disrespect, harass, sexually assault, and physically abuse women and young girls?  It is possible but this is not a problem that government, the police, the courts or even jail can fix. We need real change. Raising a generation that will become respectful and honourable men starts from a young age and it should start at home.  Therefore I am appealing to you that if you are raising a son, to please lay down a firm foundation. It is paramount that you teach your son how to be a gentleman and to have a respectful attitude towards others especially females of all ages.

    Before children step out into the world, the parents/guardians are their learning models. We don’t raise our children for ourselves; we raise them for the world. Morally correct decisions cannot be made if the basics have not been taught. Fundamentally, good morals and values need to be deeply rooted.

    Don’t use gender to excuse bad behaviour

    “Boys will be boys” is a justification for bad behaviour. Parents often turn a blind eye and brush destruction, rough play, bullying, teasing, shoving girls and fighting with other boys off as typical boy behaviour. It teaches them that this kind of behaviour is acceptable. As these are seen as normal behaviour; there is no accountability for his actions. Instead there should be consequences for his actions. Taking responsibility for his actions will make him understand how it affect others.

    Gender divide at home

    Gender inequality starts at home when parents treat their children differently and have different rules based on gender. When it comes to rules, parents are often lenient with their sons in comparison with their daughters. Boys have more privileges when it comes to sleepovers and curfews. Parents do not worry as much about their son’s safety as they do about their daughter’s. They also have different expectations for their children based on gender.

    Furthermore this type of inequality and discrimination shape a child’s attitude and expectations going forward. Therefore it needs to stop. The only apparent disparity between girls and boys are their physical appearance and anatomy.  There should be no gender divisions when it comes to chores. Boys can help with cooking and cleaning, just like girls can help with gardening and cleaning the backyard.  Treating children the same and having the same rules regardless of gender, should be enforced.

    Breaking gender stereotypes

    Gender stereotypes still exist in our society and children are exposed to it from a young age. For instance, people raise eyebrows when boys play with dolls, dress up and girls climb trees and play with racing cars. They are labelled as being “sissys” and “tomboys”. Toys and books are tools for acquiring developmental skills and should not be gender specific.  Do not limit your children and place them in a box. Instead, give them choices which will open up their minds to endless possibilities. We have come a long way and today roles are reversed where women are firefighters, engineers, pilots; and men are hairdressers, make up artists, secretaries and nurses.

    Role models

    Children do not do as you say, they do as you do. We are our children’s first role models and examples of how a relationship should be. Love, happiness and positive influence needs to be experienced at home. A boy who sees his father value, treat his mother with respect and as an equal will likely grow up and do the same to women. On the other hand, if his father or other men in his life are male chauvinists whose actions towards women are aggressive, disrespectful, abusive, not seeing women as equal contributors to society but only as sexual objects; it is likely that he will grow up doing the same and having the same perception.

    Mothers also play a part is modelling their sons perception of women and girls. After all you are the first female that he gets to interact with.  Watch what you say about other women and the judgement you pass in front of your son.  He will pick up on your derogatory tone and negative language, and it is likely that he will have that perception too.  Introduce him to strong and successful women who have broken barriers. Have conversations about the roles women played in history, how women are still underrepresented and those who are currently in leadership positions. Single mothers need to seek strong male figures for their sons to connect with. Make sure that these are male role models who model good behaviour, treat women well and have a positive influence on your son.

    Monitor what your son learns from outside influences. The media, reality celebrities, musicians, and sport stars.  Sometimes these outside influences can have a negative impact on behaviour, language and attitude. Although you cannot stop him from being exposed to what he hears and sees; you can strongly condemn what is being projected.  Educate him on what is right, be firm in your own beliefs and do not tolerate sexist remarks and behaviour.

    Teach polite manners

    Teach basic manners like greeting, please and thank you’s, table manners, not to interrupt when others are talking and how they address adults and females. Consistency is important. Encourage polite manners at all times. This will be so deeply rooted and will become a natural habit.

    Self-respect and respecting others

    Respect starts at home. As parents we have the ability to positively influence our children. Discourage bad behaviour. Be firm but discipline in a way that will educate him. Do not use inappropriate language, negative slurs when you express your disapproval. The way you speak to your child matter. They internalize negative language and that ultimately becomes their inner voice. It is important that you build self-confidence and empower him, not break down his self-esteem.

    The best way to teach self-love, self-care and self-respect is to model it. Motivate your son to be the best version of himself. He needs to speak to himself in a confident manner. That he should stay true to his values and not to go against his own morals and beliefs to please others. He should acknowledge his mistakes and learn from it. Self-care includes making healthy choices, exercising, grooming and dressing neatly. Instruct him to pull up his pants to his waist if it is hanging below his buttocks.

    Once again our children model us in how we treat and address others. Demonstrate this by being accepting of others and not to be prejudice when it comes to gender, religion, race, physical appearances and disability.  A son who is protective and respectful towards his mother, sister, grandmother and aunts will grow up to be respectful towards other women. Who will defend women and their rights even if he is pressurised to believe otherwise. Teach your child to be mindful of people’s feelings and to show empathy and compassion when someone is hurting.  As parents it is your responsibility to correct disrespectful behaviour. Make him understand that his behaviour is not acceptable and that there are consequences. Follow through on these consequences so that he can understand that you are serious about this.

    Allow him to express emotions

    Forget sayings like “big boys don’t cry” and “man up”. Give him the assurance that showing emotion is not a sign of weakness. Support your son by encouraging him not to bottle up but to share his feelings. Do not hesitate to show affection and let him know that he is loved. It will help him to become more comfortable in acknowledging and expressing his feelings. At the same time it will also teach him how to be empathetic towards others.

    Kindness, gratitude and courtesy

    Encourage your son to give back and show kindness from a young age. Let him donate clothing, books and toys to children’s home or shelters. Teach him to express gratitude for the opportunities he has and what he possess.

    Teach him how to be courteous, if done often it will come naturally as he grows older.  Allow him to extend courtesy by assisting an elderly person who is struggling with their grocery bags. When using public transport, let him offer his seat for an adult. Teach him to open up doors for females, allowing older people and females to enter first whilst holding the door. When your son has a girlfriend, instruct him never to hoot but to get out and knock on the door when picking her up.

    Teach consent

    Teach your son from a young age that the word “no” holds so much power. Have open conversations about consent over his own body and that he should speak up if he feels violated.  At the same time, he also needs to be educated about consent and touching others inappropriately or doing things without the next person agreeing to it.

    Talk to your son about puberty and his body’s physical changes. At this stage go into more detail about sexual interaction, consent and how to respect a female’s body. That forcing is a criminal act. Inform him how a girl’s body changes during puberty. It will help him understand that there should be no discrimination, stigma, disgust and shame attached when a girl menstruates, instead he should play a supportive, caring role and be sensitive to a girl’s feelings.

    Encourage friendships with both genders

    Encourage your son to form friendships with both genders. A friendship with a girl does not necessarily mean that there is a sexual attraction. Some boys have best friends who are girls. Let him know that friends are welcome at your house so that you can get to know them.  Children learn from each other and having both girl and boy friends will help your child relate to them as people who have different personalities, cultures, religions instead of focusing solely on gender. Be mindful of toxic friends who have bully tendencies, short tempers and who are pressurizing your son to do things he is not comfortable with. Remind him of his own worth.  Keep the lines of communication open and don’t interfere. Give him the assurance that you trust his judgment and allow him to use his discretion to continue with the friendship or to end it.

    Bottom line is that as parents we have the biggest influence over our children. So therefore I am depending on you to do the right thing. Think about it at the end of the day, you are not just raising a son but a future husband, partner, father, leader, mentor and hero. At the same time I will continue to raise my daughters to be strong, confident, respectful, kind and responsible human beings. Daughters who will have a voice and see themselves as equals. That they should never settle for anything less than to be treated with respect and honour.



    1. March 11, 2019 / 10:25 pm

      Good posts. I have to say, when mixing with young people, I have found them to be lovely and more respectful (looking out for women) than our generation. However, stats say otherwise. #Globalblogging

      • Noleen Miller
        March 12, 2019 / 11:19 am

        I suppose it differs where you find yourself in the world. In South Africa the stats are way to high of men being the perpetrators and it makes headlines on a regular basis.

    2. March 12, 2019 / 10:23 am

      As a boy mom, this post really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing it, from your perspective as a girl mom. What you have said here, is exactly how we aim to raise our Noah. Megan xx

      • Noleen Miller
        March 12, 2019 / 11:17 am

        Thank you for reading my post and finding it informative. As parents it is our responsibility to lay down a good solid foundation that I kids can take forward into adulthood – whether we raising boys and girls. There are just so many scary stories out there of men still committing violent acts against women and children and we need to fix it and ground level.

    3. March 12, 2019 / 10:45 am

      I agree with your post but I agree with Lydia, the younger generation of men seem to be so much more respectful. Actually, it’s the younger women I have concerns about. Great post xx #TriumphantTales

      • Noleen Miller
        March 12, 2019 / 11:20 am

        As parents it is our responsibility to lay down a good solid foundation that I kids can take forward into adulthood – whether we raising boys and girls. However speaking of experience and being a citizen in South Africa there are just so many scary stories out there of men still committing violent acts against women and children and we need to fix it and ground level.

    4. March 12, 2019 / 11:28 am

      Such a good post, and all of your comments are so true. I am lucky in that my other half is so respectful of me, and I just hope that our daughter grows up to have the manners and empathy that we try to show her. #TriumphantTales

    5. March 12, 2019 / 12:06 pm

      I love everything about this post. I am terrified of what my daughters might have to experience at the hands of men who were not taught right from wrong, and basic respect! Thank you for writing this! #itsok

      • March 12, 2019 / 6:35 pm

        I’ve been thinking about your post today, and one thing that I am don’t agree with is the fact that parents are more lenient on their sons bad behaviour than on their daughters. I would actually say this is the opposite way around. My husband’s parents were extremely hard on him in terms of responsibility and what was expected of him, in comparison his sisters got away with having very low expectations of them.
        I just don’t think anyone raises their child (boy or girl) to be a nasty abusive or disrespectful person. The blame can’t be on the parents when an adult chooses to commit these atrocities.

        • Noleen Miller
          March 13, 2019 / 8:26 am

          Carly, I hear you and yes there are parents who put a lot of responsibility on their sons. But this post was written from what I experience, and majority of parents (family, friends, acquaintances) are more lenient with their boys. This article was not written to put blame on anyone – parenting is hard and we all doing our best. However in saying that there are parents who just let things slide, who allow their children to get away with such a lot. If you look at our schools in South Africa, there are absolutely no more respect. Learners have this attitude that they can speak to their educators in a disrespectful manner and when parents are called in, they side with their children. In South Africa, crime against women and children is increasingly high. Boys as young as 9 go about violating girls. We hear this on a daily basis – it is evident on the news and posters. So to correct you these are not just crimes committed by adults; these are crimes committed by children too. It is an epidemic that is spiralling out of control and I think it is time that we as parents step up to our responsibilities #itsok

    6. March 12, 2019 / 1:30 pm

      I have two daughters and a son, and I agree wholehearted with you from both perspectives. Great post. Thanks for linking up with #ItsOK xxx

    7. March 12, 2019 / 5:46 pm

      This is a really good post, and interesting from a mum of only girls perspective. However, from a mum of only boys perspective I honestly think it’s not just the boys who need to be brought up like this. There’s a tendency to blame everything on boys and men. Most of these points could be just as easily applied to girls – good manners/giving up a seat for an elderly person/ encouraging friendships with both genders, pretty much all of them. Not all just things for boy mums to worry about in my opinion! Easy for girl mums to say it’s all down to boys but it’s all of our responsibilities to bring up decent human beings whatever their gender. #ItsOK

      • Noleen Miller
        March 13, 2019 / 8:11 am

        Hi Helen thank you for your response and the point of writing blog posts is to get everyone’s opinion on the subject matter. I agree whole heartedly with you that all children (boys and girls) should be taught good manners and values. And as a mother of girls, I am doing my best to instill all the things I mentioned in my post in my kids. In no way was this post written to blame parents who are raising boys – parenting is no walk in the park and we all trying our best but at the same time have a responsibility towards raising our children well. In saying that, where I live in South Africa – crime against women and children is increasingly high. And most of these crimes are committed by males. We are faced with this on a daily basis. Boys as young as 9 go about violating girls at school. I see it everyday in my workplace where male students have no respect for females or adults in general. This is not a problem that the police, court or jail can fix – I believe that the foundation needs to be deeply rooted at home. So looking at it from where I live, this article was written for parents who have boys – not to shame them on not doing their best but to guide them on things that they perhaps overlooked. In saying that, exactly the same applies for girls #itsok

    8. March 12, 2019 / 6:32 pm

      Noleen, this is such an important post. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with the world. We all need to share and hopefully spread the word about raising boys in our world. With International Women’s Day just behind us, a little gender parity is much needed! #globalblogging

      • Noleen Miller
        March 13, 2019 / 8:32 am

        Thanks Lisa, we are living in a world where there is still inequality, where females are still underrepresented and male chauvinists in leadership positions don’t see the value of women but look at us as sexual objects only#globalblogging

    9. March 12, 2019 / 9:31 pm

      as a father to girls I thank you. We all need to be trying harder to raise decent people, it seems to have fallen out of style a bit #triumphanttales

      • Noleen Miller
        March 13, 2019 / 8:37 am

        Thank you Jeremy – as parents it is our responsibility to teach our kids what is right and wrong. It is not a teachers responsibility (like so many parents think) to teach a child manners. We need to step up and fix this at home #triumphanttales

    10. March 12, 2019 / 9:56 pm

      Important message in this post. I am such a chaotic mum in so many ways but I am so proud to have brought up kind, sensitive, caring sons one of whom is now a man and one a new teenager who both are happy to declare themselves feminists too. Proud of their values #TwinklyTuesday

      • Noleen Miller
        March 13, 2019 / 8:34 am

        We might not be perfect parents but the good values and morals we instill in our kids is what matters #TwinklyTuesday

    11. March 12, 2019 / 10:30 pm

      Hi Noleen,Read you again, here at #dreamteam Really great post.

    12. March 13, 2019 / 11:36 pm

      Great post Noleen, I think (as old fashioned as this may be) values are important and that’s typically learnt as a young age and probably can only come through parents

    13. March 15, 2019 / 5:56 am

      My pet peeves are ‘boy will be boys’ and ‘he must like you’ when a boy is mean to a girl. He’s a dickface! That’s why he’s mean! We need to get rid of these pervasive teachings that set boys up to think they will be excused for being terrible. #GlobalBlogging

    14. March 17, 2019 / 4:43 am

      As a mum of two daughters I love seeing posts like this, as I think parents with sons need to raise respectful boys and learn no means no! As a mum of a son also I am extremely passionate to raise my son with respect for women and that starts at home. It helps as he has two older sisters and a mum so he is used to having to respect us already and his dad is a great role model! I can see by the comments that you are writing from your experience and where you live. Living in Australia I worry just as much about my son as I do about my daughters, young men are attacking other young men all the time when out at night and so I fear for my son in the future as I do for my daughters. I think we need to teach manners, respect, self respect, and care to both our girls and our boys. Thanks so much for joining in with #ABloggingGoodTime

    15. March 18, 2019 / 2:45 pm

      Excellent post Noleen, you’ve raised some really important points and echoing some of those raised in the comments, they can apply to both sexes. That said, as a Mum of girls, it does tend to be the stories where men/boys are responsible for heinous acts that stick with me. Thanks for sharing. #twinklytuesday

    16. March 18, 2019 / 2:52 pm

      This is a great post and one all of us mums with sons can benefit from. We should all teach our boys about courtesy, kindness, equality and respect x #GlobalBlogging

    17. March 18, 2019 / 5:31 pm

      I’m on a mission to educate my boys on how to treat a lady, but I also want them to know equality. I want them to be able to run a household so if their wife isn’t feeling well they can still cook a meal, handle their own kids and do the household chores. I also want my boys to not have to see their boss being a woman as a rarity.If we teach our kids that race, gender, age or religion isnt an issue than they can grow up in a world that’s starting to change to the world we all deserve!Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back tomorrow.

    18. March 18, 2019 / 11:19 pm

      I agree with these important values for raising boys with respect and empathy. I think that the next generation of boys are really going to be good examples of these values. #stayclassymama

    19. March 21, 2019 / 12:56 am

      I am very proud that my Matthew has just had an exemplary parents’ evening and his teacher said he is the politest boy she has EVER met! I hope he sets a good example to my youngest… Thanks for linking up with #stayclassymama

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