Homemade toffee apples brings back fond childhood memories of me attending our annual church bazaar. It was always the first thing I would buy at the bazaar, carnival or any other market I attended as a child. Eating the sticky homemade toffee mixed with the sourness of the apple was heavenly.
Sadly my own children have never experienced the delectable taste of a toffee apple. Our church no longer host an annual bazaar and whenever we attend other markets; it is always sold out when we get there. So when Lea (my daughter) told me that she needed to sell a product for her grade’s annual market day; I suggested we make toffee apples. This was the first time my daughters tasted it and they absolutely love it. I made 39 toffee apples which she took to school and it was sold out within the first half an hour.
This recipe that I am sharing with you is for 25 toffee apples. The method is available on my Yutube Channel. Feel free to head over to my channel and have a look and how I tested the mixture and coated the apples.
Homemade Toffee Apples

It is sticky and absolutely delicious.
25 Granny Smith Apples (small size)
4 cups Sugar
1 cup Boiling water
2 tsp Red food colouring
1½ tsp Cream of tartar
Spray and Cook
Prep your apples by washing it thoroughly and remove the stems.
Dry your apples with a clean cloth.
Insert the sticks at the stem area and make sure that it goes through the cork.
Spray a baking tray with Spray and Cook.
Use a large pot or a large saucepan.
Add the sugar to the saucepan.
Put your stove on medium heat and place the pot on it.
Add boiling water to the sugar and stir.
Then add the cream of tartar.
Add the food colouring and stir continuously until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Once the mixture starts to form bubbles; turn up the heat of the stove.
Boil the mixture for a further 5 minutes.
To test the readiness of the mixture; you can use a sugar thermometer by placing it in the pot and it should reach up to 150°C.
Alternatively place a little bit of the mixture in cold water to test the readiness.
Touch with your finger and the mixture should feel hard. If it is still soft then continue to boil.
Once the mixture is ready, turn the heat down slightly to keep the mixture warm.
In order to coat each apple completely, tilt the pot/saucepan to the side.
Make sure that you work quickly.
Place the coated toffee apples on the baking tray, leaving enough space between each to prevent it from sticking to each other.
Allow to cool and then package or eat and enjoy.